Evan D. Summer
108 S. Whiteoak St.
Kutztown, PA 19530 USA
E-mail: evan.summer@gmail.com
Website: www.evansummer.com
M. F. A. Printmaking, Yale University School of Art, New Haven, Connecticut, 1973-75
Studied with Gabor Peterdi, Richard Ziemann and Andrew Stasik
B. F. A. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 1970-73
Studied with Harvey Breverman and Seymour Drumlevitch
B. S. Chemistry, State University of New York College at Cortland, Cortland, NY, 1966-70
Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, Professor, 1984-85, 1987-2019
Pratt Graphics Center, New York City, 1983 Summer Session
Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, PA, 1979 Spring and Fall Semesters
State University of New York at Buffalo, 1979 and 1977 Summer Sessions
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 1978 Summer Session
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (Artist in Residence), 1978-87
* INTER-ART, Intercontinental Small Graphic Biennial, First Prize, InterArt Foundation,
Aiud, Romania, 2023
* International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2018 ROC, Merit Award, National Taiwan Museum of
Fine Arts, Taichung, Republic of China, 2018
* 3rd Prize, Premio Leonardo Sciascia amateur d'estampes, Fondazione Federica Galli, Palermo, Fabriano, Florence,
Venice and Milan, Italy, 2015-18Venice and Milan, Italy, 2015-18
* Guanlan International Print Biennial 2015, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China
* Sharadin Achievement Award, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, 2012
* Arthur and Isabel Wiesenberger Award for Excellence in Teaching, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, 2011
* Carlson Chambliss Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, 2008
* International Print Biennial Beijing 2003, Tai-he Masterpiece Award
* Annual Exhibition National Academy of Design, New York
* 178th Annual Exhibition, 2003, Henry Legrand Cannon Prize
* 174th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, 1999, Leo Meissner Prize
* 173rd Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York,1998, Ralph Fabri Prize
* 171st Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, 1996, Richard M. Recchia Memorial Prize
* 170th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, 1995, Cannon Prize
* Boston Printmakers North American Print Biennial
* 2003 Z*Acryl Etching Systems Award
* 1985 Boston Printmakers Award
* 1982 Purchase Award, DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
* Delta National Small Print Exhibition, Arkansas State University, 1998, Purchase Award
* Egyptian International Print Triennials
* 1997 Bronze Medal
* 1993 Bronze Medal
* 10th Norwegian International Print Triennale, Fredrikstad, Norway, 1992, Silver Medal
* Prints International 1992, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, CT, Purchase Award
* 1992 Pacific States National Biennial Print Exhibition, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Juror's Award
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* 1991 Zelda and Josef Jaffe Purchase Award - Print selected for the Permanent Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
* 1991 Schnader, Harrison, Segal and Lewis Purchase Award
* 1988 Educational Testing Service Purchase Award
* 1983 EMES Editions, Inc. Prize
* 1982 Berthe von Moschzisker Prize
* 1979 Stuart M. Egnal Purchase Award – Print selected for the Permanent Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
* 1978 A. P. Hankins Memorial Purchase Award – Print selected for the Permanent Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
* 1991 National Printmaking Exhibition, Trenton State College, Trenton, NJ, Purchase Award
* 4th International Biennial Print Exhibition: ROC, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Republic of China,1989-90,
Honorable Mention Purchase Award
* Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Peoria, IL
* 1989 Juror's Best of Show Purchase Award
* 1985 Special Mention
* 4th Rockford College International Juried Print and Drawing Biennale, Rockford, IL Purchase Award, 1983
* 3rd Annual Print National, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA, Purchase Award, 1983
* 6th Hawaii National Print Exhibition, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Purchase Award, 1983
* Charlotte Printmakers Annual Exhibition, Charlotte, NC
* 1982 Purchase Award
* 1980 Purchase Award
* 7th University of Dallas National Print Invitational, Purchase Award, 1981
* Visiting Artist Residency, Fondazione Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy, 2023
* Visiting Artist Residency, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2023
* Visiting Artist, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2023
* Visiting Artist Residency, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2019
* Visiting Artist, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China, 2019
* Visiting Artist, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng, China, 2019
* Visiting Artist Residency, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2018
* Visiting Artist, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, 2018
* Visiting Artist Residency YAC (Young Artists Community) Tianjin, China, 2017
* Visiting Artist, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin, China, 2017
* Visiting Artist Residency, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2016
* Professional Development Grant, Kutztown University, 2014
* Two Senior Faculty Development Grants given by William Mowder, Dean of the College of
Visual and Performing Arts, Kutztown University, 2013
* Visiting Artist Residency, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2013
* Visiting Artist, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2012
* Visiting Artist Residency, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2010
* Visiting Artist, Roman Witt Visiting Artist Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2010
* Visiting Artist, Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy, 2007
* Kutztown University Faculty Research Grants, 2013-14, 2009-10, 2006-07, 2004-05, 2003-04, 2000-01, 1997-98, 1994-95, 1990-91, 1988-89,
1987-88 and 1984-85
* Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Individual Fellowship Grants, 1988 and 1980
* CAST (Collaborations in Art, Science and Technology funded by the New York State Council on the Arts and Syracuse University),
* Who’s Who in American Art, 2006
* Who’s Who in America, 2005
* The International Print Triennial Society, Krakow, Poland, 1995
* National Academician, National Academy of Design, New York City, 1993
* for three year term to the Board of Governors of The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA, 1988
* SecondaNatura, Fondazione Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy, 2023
* Dreams and Fears, Aughinbaugh Art Gallery, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg,
Pennsylvania, 2023
* Evan Summer: Remnants of the Future, The Trout Gallery, The Art Museum of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania,
curated by Phillip Earenfight with catalog essay by Eric Denker
* Transcending Boundaries, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng, China, 2019
* Fears and Dreams, Martin-Mullen Art Gallery, State University of New York at Oneonta, 2019
* Transcending Boundaries, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China, 2018
* Time, Change and Place, Cedar Crest College Center for Visual Research, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 2018
* Between Realism and Abstraction: Prints and Drawings by Evan Summer, Zai Gallery, Shenzhen, China, 2014
* Evan Summer: Unknown Landscapes, Juniata College Museum of Art, 2013
* Landscape Fantasia, East Area Gallery, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China, 2010
* Evan Summer: Prints and Drawings, Monroe Gallery, Arts Club of Washington, Washington, DC, 2009
* Evan Summer: Prints, Drawings and Collages, Penn College of Technology, Williamsport, PA, 2009
* Evan Summer: Prints, Drawings and Collages, Dowd Gallery, Dowd Fine Arts Center, State University of New York College at Cortland, 2009
* EVAN SUMMER The Bigger Picture: Works on Paper, Lawrence Gallery, Rosemont College, Rosemont, PA, 2007
* Insects Illuminated: Photographs, Prints and Drawings by Evan Summer, Reading Public Museum, Reading, PA, 2006
* Evan Summer -- Beyond Landscape, Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, 2003
* Evan Summer -- Beyond Landscape, The Arts Club of Washington, Washington, DC, 2003
* Evan Summer: Landscapes and Nocturnes, Reading Public Museum, Reading, PA 2001
* Evan Summer - Prints and Collages, Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, State University of New York College at Cortland, Cortland, NY, 2000
* Evan Summer: Landscapes and Nocturnes, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., 1999-2000
* Prints and Drawings by Evan Summer, Penn State University, Berks Campus, Reading, PA, 1995
* Prints, Drawings and Collages by Evan Summer, Comus Gallery, Portland, OR, 1993
* Evan Summer – Works on Paper, Franz Bader Gallery, Washington, D. C., 1987
* Prints by Evan Summer, Philadelphia College of Art, 1985
* Evan Summer – Paintings and Prints, Franz Bader Gallery, Washington, D. C., 1984
* Challenge Exhibition, Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial (Administered by the Philadelphia Museum of Art), Philadelphia, PA, 1983
* Evan Summer – Prints and Drawings, Franz Bader Gallery, Washington, DC, 1981
* Evan Summer: Recent Prints and Drawings, Members' Gallery, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, 1979
* Masters Thesis Exhibition, Yale University School of Art, New Haven, CT, 1975
* 10 Years Out of Hand, Welch Galleries, Ernest G. Welch School of Art, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
* Exhibition of Ex Libris Prints dedicated to Ovidiu Petca, Casa del Libro Museum, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2024
* National Academy of Design 191st Annual Exhibition, 519 W. 26th Street, New York, NY 10001, showing “Making Some Changes”, 2024
“ Who Slept with your Print”, a portfolio organized by Miguel Aragon and Nabil Gonzales in celebration of Tim and Terri Bauer, Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, University of Texas at El Paso, Feb. 29 to May 11, 2024
* Vision of Interaction 2024, This exhibition was shown at three locations in China -- China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan; Anhui Art Museum and the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts
* From the Ashes: 15 years of Prairie Fire Printmaking. To Coincide with the 2024 Mid America Print Conference at Kansas State University, the Manhattan Art Center, Manhattan, KS
* The 8th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Sfântu Gheorghe/Miercurea Ciuc , Romania
* 8th Guanlan International Print Biennial, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, Shenzhen, China
* INTER-ART Intercontinental Small Graphic Biennial, InterArt Foundation, Aiud, Romania
* Vision of Interaction – Internatioinal Contemporary Printmaking Ecosystem, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China, 2023
* Society of American Graphic Artists, Annual Exhibition, Salmagundi Club and the Met Store, New York, NY
* Parsing Dreams, Virtual Exhibition organized by Shelley Thorstensen at PMOF (Printmakers Open Forum) and juried by Adam Finkelstein and
James Meara, 2021
* Flower Whispers, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China
* Stones From Other Mountains, 2020 International Outstanding Printmaking Artists’ Works Exhibition, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan,
* Print – Making an Impression, Hess and Lyet Galleries, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA, 2020
* 7th Guanlan International Biennial Print Exhibition, Invitational Selection, China Printmaking Museum, Guanlan, China, 2019
* Graphic Encounters of the First Kind, Curated by Herman Noordermeer, Grafisch Atelier Friesland, The Netherlands
* Human Condition Portfolio published by Paper Crown Press, Editions and Artists Books Fair, New York, NY, 2018
* First Contact Portfolio curated by Jessi Hardesty, Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD, 2018
* Layers Beneath the Moment Portfolio curated by Barbara Putnam and Deborah Cornell, Southern Graphics Conference International, Las
Vegas, NV, 2018
* 2nd Novosibirsk International Contemporary Graphic Art 2018 Exhibition, Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia.
* Boston Printmakers at the Krakow Triennial, Krakow, Poland, 2018
* Unseasonable Expectations, Nurture Nature Center, Easton, PA, 2018
* Group Exhibition, Young Artists Community Printmaking Workshop, Tianjin, China, 2017
* Masters of the Contemporary Print, Towson University, Towson, MD, 2017
* Premio Sciascia Prize Exhibition, show of 10 prints by each of the prize winners of the Premio Sciascia Amateur d'Estampes, Scuola
Internazionale di Grafica, Venice; Fondazione Bisonte, Florence; The Museum of Paper and Watermark, Fabriano, Italy,
* DiCarta/Papermade International Biennial 2017, Schio, Italy
* After the Collapse Portfolio, Southern Graphics Conference International, Atlanta, GA, 2017
* Dialogues in Printmaking, IPCNA, Lima, Peru; Seoul Museum of Art, Korea; Galerie 21, Cologne, Germany; IPCNY/ 20/20 Gallery,
New York, Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ, 2016-18
* Standing Rock Benefit Exhibition, Rogue Space, Chelsea, New York, 2016
* Di Carta / Papermade 2; (Bienniale Internazionale Opere di Carta), Palazzo Fogazzaro, Schio, Italy, 2016
* Commedia: New Prints, Autumn 2015, traveling exhibition at Soeffker Gallery, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN, 2016
* deadWEST: STRUCTURE AND CHANGE, Lakeside, TX, 2016
* Beneath the Surface, Newark Print Shop, Newark, NJ, 2016
* Men in Aprons, Curated by Dan Welden, Pacific Northwest College of Art, held in conjunction with the 2016 Southern Graphics International
Conference, Portland, Oregon
* Places: Contemporary Intaglio Prints, Davis Gallery, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY
* Urban Studio Unbound / Carrier Pigeon Exhibition, Urban Studio Unbound, Yonkers, NY
* American Chemical Society Printmaking Exhibition, held in conjunction with the ACS Conference in Manhattan, KS, also presented a paper on
Non-conventional Etching Materials at the conference
* Commedia: New Prints 2015/Autumn, International Print Center of New York, New York City
* Di Carta / Papermade Biennale Internazionale di Opere di Carta, 2nd Edition, Invitational exhibition, Palazzo Fogazzaro, Schio, Italy
* 5 Printmakers, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Invitational exhibition of 5 artists curated by Ann Lalik, Allentown, PA
* 5th Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China
* National Academy of Design 189th Annual Show, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* Carrier Pigeon Release Exhibition, Sugarlift Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
* Racies II, Carpeta Internacional de Grafica, Taller de Grafica, Proyecto lsa Chicharra, Invitational portfolio and traveling exhibition, Oaxaca,
* Look Again, the Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, MA, Invitational exhibition organized by the Boston Printmakiers
* A Show of Hands, A1LabArts Gallery, Knoxville, TN, Organized by The Hand Magazine and held in conjunction with SGCI 2015
* IPCNY (International Print Center of New York) Exhibition: Somewheres and Nowheres, Concourse Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
TN, held in conjunction with SGCI 2015
* Premio Leonardo Sciascia amateur d'estampes, Fondazione Federica Galli, Invitational traveling exhibition in five cities in Italy: Palermo,
Fabriano, Firenze, Venezia and Milano, 2015-16
* SAGA (Society of American Graphic Artists) Centennial National Exhibition, Art Students League, New York
* Bulgarian Exhibition of American Printmakers, Invitational exhibition curated by Henry Klein, Sofia, Bulgaria and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
* IPCNY (International Print Center of New York) Exhibition: Somewheres and Nowheres, IPCNY Gallery, New York, NY
* Pigeon Prints, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY
* Growing Wisdom, Invitational exhibition curated by Li Kang, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China
* Waves on the Grand River, 1st Tanhualin-Guanlan International Printmaking Invitational Exhibition, co-hosted by the Hubei Institute of Fine
Arts and the Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Wuhan and Guanlan, China
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: 2014 ROC, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan, R.O.C.
* Korean Exchange Exhibition - Made in New York / Made in Seoul, Korea Society Gallery, New York and the Seoul Museum of Art
* Span and Dialogue, Invitational exhibition of American printmakers curated by Hugh Merrill, Guanlan International Printmaking Base,
Guanlan, China
* Tribuna Grafic 2014, Cluj Art Museum, Romania
* Second Lingshi International Print Biennial, Lingshi, China
* Animalis, Art Connects New York for the Stanley M Isaacs Center, New York
* Imprint*2013 (Foreign Print Invitational Exhibition), Mei Lianshe Art Space, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China
* Carrier Pigeon: Illustrated Fiction and Fine Art CPXI Release, EMOA Space Gallery in Chelsea, New York, NY, 2013
* 2013 Biennial Faculty Exhibition, Miller Gallery, Sharadin Art Building, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA
* 2013 Guanlan International Print Biennial, Guanlan, China, 2013
* PRINTERESTING post in conjunction with participating in and going to the Guanlan International Print Biennial October 30, 2013,
* Carrier Pigeon 9 Release, Grit N Glory, New York, NY and Metropolis Collective, Mechanicsburg, PA, and Carrier Pigeon:
Illustrated Fiction and Fine Art, Flat Iron Gallery, Peekskill, NY, 2013
* International Printmaking Biennial, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA) Peru, 2013
* Society of American Graphic Artists 80th Members’ Exhibition, Delind Gallery, Milwaukee, WI, 2013
* Paper Space, Invitational Print Exhibition curated by Ron Rumford, Duke Gallery, Community Arts Center, Wallingford, PA, 2013
* From Plate to Paper: The Art of Printmaking, national exhibition juried by Bruce Waldman, The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, NJ, 2013
* Seoul Art Print Research Center Inaugural Invitational, curated by Chunwoo Nam, Seoul, Korea
* First Lingshi International Print Biennial, Lingshi, China
* Prints Tokyo 2012, Invitational print exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
* 50@50 Select Artists from the Gerald Mead Collection, University at Buffalo Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, NY
* PRINTERESTING Post June 5, 2012, First Studio Process post, Post dealing with collagraph plate construction and printing
* Carrier Pigeon, Volume 2 Issue 3 Release, 2012 Governor’s Island Art Fair, New, York, NY, Eckhaus Gallery, Kutztown, PA, Dallet Gallery,
Philadelphia, PA
* Carrier Pigeon Issue 5 Release, Grit N Glory, New York, NY, 2012
* 186th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* Self-Portraits: Real or Imagined, The Gallery of the School of Fine Arts, University of Benito Juarez, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2012
* First Tianjin Binhai New Area International Invitational Print Exhibition, Tianjin, China,
* Copper in the Arts, online video and with interview and demonstration, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkBuUxDZuGA
* From Life, Grey Art Gallery, Williamsport, PA, 2011
* Kutztown University Faculty Exhibition, Miller Gallery, Kutztown, PA
* Recent Acquisitions, Kennedy Museum of Art, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio Print entitled “Beetle” from this exhibition was also pictured on the
cover of the Kennedy Museum of Art Fall / Winter 2011 magazine
* Carrier Pigeon Issue 4 Release, Sacred Gallery, New York, NY
* Artist Driven, Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn, NY
* International Exhibition of Contemporary Works on Paper, NY Coo Gallery, New York, NY
* Visions in Print, Allegra LaViola Gallery, New York, NY
* Carrier Pigeon Issue 3 Release Exhibition, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY
* Carrier Pigeon Issue 2 Release, Sacred Gallery, New York, NY
* Society of American Graphic Artists (SAGA) 78th Member Exhibition, Prince Street Gallery, New York, NY
* Dark Visions in Print and Other Images, Sacred Gallery, New York, NY, 2010; Curated by Bruce Waldman, Director, New York Society of
* Philadelphia Portfolio, “Mark / Remarque”, invitational portfolio and exhibition curated by Rochelle Toner, Philadelphia Free Library and
Crane Art Building, Philadelphia, PA
* Appreciating Prints: Contemporary and Vintage Prints at the Isadore Gallery, Lancaster, PA
* Printeresting, Feb. 12, 2010 post, seven of Evan Summer's prints as well as his writing about the work were featured in the online journal
* Printeresting post, August 17, 2010, “Printmaking Residency in Guanlan, China” This online printmaking newsletter post was written by Evan
Summer. It includes an article about his residency at the Guanlan International Printmaking Base and included 11 of his photos from China. * 2010 Boston Printmakers Members’ Show thINK, traveling exhibition
* Carrier Pigeon, 20/20 Gallery, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY
* Inside and Outside the Clamshell Box: Diary of a Print Portfolio at DCCC, Delaware County Community College, Media, PA
* Shared Experience, The Steven Barbash Collection, Dowd Gallery, State University of New York College at Cortland
* Carrier Pigeon, 20 / 20 Gallery, The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, NY; this coincided with the release of the first issue of
Carrier Pigeon Magazine, a large format magazine of fine art, illustration and fiction. It contained reproductions of 8 of Evan Summer's
prints and drawings as well as his writing about the work.
* Contemporary Etchings and Monotypes, Pyramida Center for Contemporary Art in Haifa, Israel
* Second International Print Biennial, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China
* The Stream of International Prints, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
* Intaglio a Go Go, Philadelphia Free Library, Philadelphia, PA
* 25 Years of Printmaking at Corridor Press, Roberson Museum and Science Center, Binghamton, NY
* The 184th Annual: An Exhibition of Contemporary American Art, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* Contemporary Etchings and Monotypes, National Arts Club, New York, NY
* The Print Fantastic, Theatre Art Galleries, High Point, NC, 2009
* Shared Experience The Steven Barbash Collection, Juniata College Museum of Art, Juniata, PA
* Views From the Shadows, Pyramida Center for Contemporary Art, Haifa Israel, 2008-09 and The Jerusalem Printmaking Workshop, Jerusalem,
Israel, 2009
* Field Report: Members of the Boston Printmakers, Gordon College, Gloucester, MA and traveling exhibition through 2010
* Shared Experience The Steven Barbash Collection, Johnson Museum, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
* First International Print Biennial, Guanlan International Printmaking Base, Guanlan, China
* Friends of Hitoshi Nakazato, Crane Arts Building, Philadelphia, PA
* From Albers to Picasso -- A Selection of 20th Century Prints, Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, NY
* Washington Project for the Arts/Corcoran, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
* Passion and Process: Impressions From America’s Master Printmakers, LVAA (Louisville Visual Art Association) Art Gallery, Louisville, KY
* The 12th International Biennial Print and Drawing Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Republic of China; Evan Summer's print
also shown at Angel Art Gallery, Taipei and Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
* The Corcoran 2005 Print Portfolio -- Drawn to Representation, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2005
* The Winter Print Salon, 2005 (Organized by The New York Society of Etchers), The Garage, Brooklyn, NY, 2005
* Powerpoint, Corcoran School of Art, Washington, DC, 2005 (both this portfolio of drypoints and The Corcoran 2005 Print Portfolio Exhibition
were presented in conjunction with the 2005 Southern Graphics Conference)
* Icon Data - World Prints 2005 (Invited Artist), Online international exhibition of printmakers organized by the Krakow Triennial Exhibition
Committee http://icondata.triennial.cracow.pl/worldprint/index.php?lang=en
* Disegno, the180th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York
* A Survey of Contemporary Printmaking, The Color Show, 2005 and The Black & White Show, 2005, both exhibitions were organized by the
New York Society of Etchers and shown at Studio 12N@Resolution in New York City
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* International Print Triennial, Krakow - Main Exhibition and associated traveling exhibitions
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Biennial, Boston, MA
* International Print Biennial, Beijing, China
* Crosscurrents – Incisori Americani Contemporanei, Il Quadrato di Omega, Rome, Italy
* 4th Egyptian Internatiional Print Triennial
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* International Print Triennial, Krakow - Main Exhibition and associated traveling exhibitions
* 3rd Egyptian Internatiional Print Triennial
* Recent Acquisitions of Prints and Drawings for the Corcoran Collection, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
* Curator's Choice -- 19th and 20th Century Prints from the Denker Collection, Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA
* Norwegian International Print Triennial, Fredrikstad, Norway
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* 27th Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* 20 x 12: A Generation of Challenge Artists, Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia, PA
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* International Print Triennial, Krakow - Main Exhibition and associated traveling exhibitions
* 2nd Egyptian Internatiional Print Triennial
* International Print Exhibition, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* 25th Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
* Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York, NY
* International Print Triennial, Krakow - Main Exhibition and associated traveling exhibitions
* Architecture in Contemporary Printmaking, traveling exhibition organized by the Boston Printmakers, 1993-95
* 5th International Cairo Biennal
* In Black and White: Works by Four Printmakers, University of Connecticut at Storrs
* MTG '94 (International Print Triennial), Krakow, Poland, 1994-96, works were selected from this show for the following: Intergrafia 194, World
Award Winners Gallery, Katowice, Poland and Ronneby, Sweden and Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, Graphic Constellation '95, Graz, Austria,
Print Triennial '94 Consumenta '95, Nuremberg, Germany
* 24th Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
* Crosscurrents – Incisori Americani Contemporanei, Il Quadrato di Omega, Rome, Italy
* Premio Internazionale Biella per L'Incisione, Biella, Italy and Genoa, Italy
* 1st Egyptian International Print Triennial, The National Centre of Fine Arts, Giza, Egypt
* SAGA 65th National Print Exhibition, New York, NY
* 1993 National Printmaking Exhibition, Trenton State College, Trenton, NJ; print selected for Printmaking East/West, a traveling exhibition
shown at four locations in Hawaii
* Paradise Endangered; The New World in Contemporary Prints, sponsored by the American Print Alliance, City Hall, Baltimore, MD
* Inside Corridor, Lithographs Printed at Corridor Press, State University of New York College at Oneonta
* 1992 Pacific States National Biennial Print Exhibition, University of Hawaii at Hilo; selected from this exhibition for 1992 National Invitational
Print Exhibition also held at the University of Hawaii at Hilo
* The Breverman Collection, Ohio University, Athens, OH and traveling exhibition
* 10th Norwegian International Print Triennial, Fredrikstad, Norway
* Prints International 1992, Silvermine Guild Galleries, New Canaan, CT
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* Prints by Five Artists (with Michael Mazur, Gabor Peterdi, Rosalyn Richards and Richard Ziemann), Washington Art Association, Washington,
* 1991 National Printmaking Exhibition, Trenton State College, Trenton, NJ
* International Print Triennial, Krakow - Main Exhibition and associated traveling exhibitions
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* Collaborations II, Hewlett Gallery, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
* 3rd Annual Pennsylvania Artists Exhibition, Josiah White Exhibition Center, Jim Thorpe, PA
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* Premio Internazionale Biella per L'Incisione, Biella, Italy and Genoa, Italy
* State System of Higher Education Printmakers Invitational, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA
* Contemporary Philadelphia Artists: A Juried Exhibition, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
* Penn Prints: 30 Years of Printmaking at the University of Pennsylvania, Arthur Ross Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1990 * Prints International 1990, Silvermine Guild Galleries, New Canaan, CT
* Interprint '90, Lviv, USSR
* 14th Harper College National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Harper College, Palatine, IL and traveling exhibition
* 22nd Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* International Print Triennial, Krakow - Main Exhibition and associated traveling exhibitions
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* USA Printmakers, invitational exhibition of prints by 8 artists, Kipp Gallery, Indiana University, Indiana, PA
* Hard Choices / Just Rewards, traveling exhibition of works by Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Grant Recipients organized by Moore College
of Art, Philadelphia, PA
* Prints From the Permanent Collection, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY,
* Six Printmakers Invitational Exhibition, Bannister Gallery, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
* Collaborations: Printmaking in Philadelphia, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea, Wales, UK , 1989 and Strozzi Palace, Florence, Italy, 1989-90
* 6th Seoul International Print Biennial, Seoul, Korea
* 10 x Twelve / A Decade of Challenge Artists, Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia, PA
* Viewpoints Variable: Printmakers Who Make Prints, Momenta Art Alternatives, Philadelphia, PA
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* International Print Triennial and Intergrafia, Gallery of Modern Art, Krakow, Poland and Katowice, Poland; also shown in Nuremberg,
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* Influences: Printmaking, Temple University Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
* The Collagraph – An Experience in Problem Solving, invitational traveling exhibition organized by the University of Montana, 1987-90
* Three Person Exhibition (with Nona Hershey and Herbert George), Morris Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
* Contemporary American Prints, Garton and Cooke Gallery, London, England, (exhibition organized by Dolan/Maxwell Gallery of Philadelphia)
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* The Peterdi Years, Art & Architecture Gallery, Yale University School of Art, New Haven, CT
* Printmakers Who Make Prints, Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, PA
* Printmaking East/West Exchange, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing and Tianjin Arts College, Tianjin, China
* Art in City Hall / Artists1 Books and Prints, City Hall, Philadelphia, PA
* Recent Works by 8 Alumni, Ruth E. Dowd Fine Arts Gallery, State University of NewYork College at Cortland
* 25 Years – An Anniversary Exhibition, Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* Printmaking '85 The Tallahassee Invitational, University Gallery, Florida State University, print selected from this exhibition for a smaller
traveling exhibition, 1985-86
* 20th Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
* The Tallahassee Invitational, University Gallery, Florida State University, print selected from this exhibition for a smaller traveling exhibition,
* Prints Ensuite, The Katonah Gallery, Katonah, NY, and traveling exhibition of prints in series organized by Andrew Stasik
* 7th Hawaii National Print Exhibition, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, HI
* Recent Acquisitions: 1980-84, DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
* 9th Annual Invitational Drawing Exhibition, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas
* The Tonal Range, Miriam Perlman Gallery, Chicago, IL
* Contemporary Print Invitational, North Texas State University, Denton, TX
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* Philadelphia Drawing Competition – 1984, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA, 1984-85
* National Printmaking IUP Invitational, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
* Drawing Conclusion, State University of New York College at Brockport, Brockport, NY
* International Biennial Print Exhibition: Republic of China, Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
* Past and Present: In Celebration of Franz Bader1s 80th Birthday, Franz Bader Gallery, Washington, DC
* 4th Seoul International Print Biennial, Seoul, Korea
* Faculty and Critics of The Graduate School of Fine Arts, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
* Architecture in Contemporary Prints, traveling exhibition organized by Pratt Graphics Center, New York, NY
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* 6th Hawaii National Print Exhibition, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, HI
* New American Graphics 3, international traveling exhibition organized by Warrington Colescott and sponsored by the United States
Information Service
* Prints USA: 1982, traveling exhibition organized by Pratt Graphics Center, New York, NY
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* Evan Summer and Stephen Weitz: Prints and Drawings, Woodmere Museum, Philadelphia, PA
* Charlotte Printmakers Society Annual Print Exhibition, Charlotte, NC
* Prints U. S. A.: 1982, traveling exhibition organized by Pratt Graphics Center, New York City
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* 3rd Seoul International Print Biennial, Seoul, Korea
* 17th New Talent in Printmaking, Associated American Artists, New York City and Philadelphia
* Charlotte Printmakers Society Annual Print Exhibition, Charlotte, NC
* New American Graphics 2, traveling exhibition organized by Warrington Colescott of the University of Wisconsin, Madison
* 18th Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bradley University, Peoria, IL
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* 13th National Print Exhibition, Silvermine Guild of Artists, New Canaan, CT
* Wesleyan International Exhibition of Prints and Drawings, Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia
* Charlotte Printmakers Society Annual Print Exhibition, Charlotte, NC
* The Boston Printmakers North American Print Annual / Biennial, Boston, MA
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* Tyler Faculty Exhibition, Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, PA
* 57th Society of American Graphic Artists National Print Exhibition, New York City
* Annual International Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, PA
* 21st National Print Exhibition, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY
* Trinity College Invitational Three Person Exhibition, Trinity College, Hartford, CT
* Los Angeles Printmaking Society National Exhibition
* Los Angeles Printmaking Society National Exhibition
* Dulin National Print and Drawing Competition, Dulin Gallery of Art, Knoxville, TN
* The Collagraph: A New Print Medium, traveling exhibition organized by Pratt Graphics Center, New York City
* 25th National Exhibition of Prints, Library of Congress, Washington, DC
* Los Angeles Printmaking Society National Printmaking Exhibition
* Los Angeles Printmaking Society National Exhibition
* Los Angeles Printmaking Society National Printmaking Exhibition
* Dulin National Print and Drawing Competition, Dulin Gallery of Art, Knoxville, TN
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.
The Philadelphia Museum of Art
The China Print Museum, Guanlan, China
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.
Achenbach Foundation of the California Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
Taipei City Museum of Fine Arts
Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
Portland Art Museum, Portland, OR
National Museum of American Art, Washington, D. C.
Yale University Art Gallery
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
National Academy of Design, New York, NY
Museum of Modern Art, Lodz, Poland
Museum of Modern Art, Krakow, Poland
Alma College, Alma, MI
Rockford College, Rockford, IL
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
Woodmere Museum, Philadelphia, PA
State University of New York College at Cortland, Cortland, NY
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
The Boston Printmakers
R. J. Reynolds Corp., Winston-Salem, NC
Neue Gallerie der Stadt Linz, Wolfgang-Gurlitt Museum, Linz, Austria
Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, HI
Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Ukranian Independent Museum of Contemporary Art, Lviv, U.S.S.R.
Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
United States Information Service
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
North Texas State University, Denton, TX
Madison Art Center, Madison, WI
Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Kennedy Museum of Art, Ohio University, Athens, OH
United States Information Agencies, Prague, Rangoon and Seoul
The Reading Public Museum, Reading, PA
The Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA